Street View Page on Peru

Google Street View is available through Google Maps and Google Earth and provides panoramic views along many streets in the world. It was started in 2007 in the United States and has since expanded to include a large number of countries. Some countries have objected to this form of data gathering and have not allowed Google to take the imagery, Germany being the main hold-out. Available Street View imagery available is shown as blue lines on Google Maps once the so-called pegman has been activated. Images are most often taken by car but a variety of other modes of transport have been used. Once captured, the images are subsequently stitched together. In some areas, Street View images are augmented by privately-done photospheres.


1.     Street View screen captures

o   First StreetView of Aeropuerto Internacional Rodriguez Ballon

o   Second StreetView of ...

o   Third StreetView of ...

2.     Links to Street View panoramas

o   Link to first panorama

o   Link to second panorama

o   Link to third panorma

3.     TripGeo Street View Animations

o   Route from x to y

o   Route from y to z

o   Route from z to x

4.     Moore's Where to Invade Next

o   The value of travel

1 Street View Screen Captures

Aeropuerto Internacional Alfredo Rodriguez Ballon


The Alfredo Rodriguez Ballon airport is the major international airport in Arequipa. This view is from outside of one of the terminals with the flow of daily drop-off/pick-up traffic.

Live Orchestral Concert in Lima

This view is from a live concert venue in the Lima District. On the 20th of May, this orchestral concert was played in front of a large crowd in what looks to be like a park.

Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco

 Out front of the National University in Cusco, this reminds me a lot of most United States campuses. There are people walking everywhere, some cars and some bikes. The large buildings to the left and center look like where classes are held and a possible meting center. The large building to the right kind of looks like a parking garage but also could be classrooms.

2 Links to Street View Panoramas

Insert three links with descriptions to Street View Panoramas here.

Example-1: View outside of terminal at airport in Arequipa, Peru

Example-2: Live Orchestral music in Lima, Peru  

Example-3: View across the street from the University in Cusco, Universidad Nacional de San Antonia Abad del Cusco

(Links were created by going to the location and clicking on the Pegman (yellow man in corner of Google Maps). Drag the Pegman over the map and choose a location on a blue line that has a good point to view of the feature. Once the Street View image is visible, copy the web address. In Word, write out the name of the feature (e.g., Eiffel Tower in Paris), highlighting the text, and then choose Insert Hyperlink and paste the address.)


3 TripGeo Streetview Player

The TripGeo Streetview Player tool stitches Google's panoramic street view data into an animation. In the dialog, you can enter the start and end location of your trip. When you click Preview, the route is marked on a map and the StreetView images will start playing. You can control the method of travel, the pace of the timelapse, and the distance between StreetView images.

(This graphic was created by taking a screenshot. You'll need to click on "Create Your Directions Map" before this graphic appears.)

StreetView animation near Edinburgh, Scotland.

(This link was created by clicking on View Directions and Map, and then on View Map. This gets you to a page that displays the Street View and the map. Simply copy the address of the page. In Word, enter the text for the link, highlight, and choose "Insert Hyperlink". Paste the address. The address can also be attached to the image – as above – using the same Insert Hyperlink command.)

This Street View animation takes us between two locations in Scotland. At the beginning, one sees an older residential area. We then drive through the lush, green countryside into a new residential area.

 Route from Risso Mall to Javier Prado Hospital

Link: arequipa 2250, lince&daddr=av javier prado este 499&maptype=2&units=2&z=15&fi=50&fs=1&refresh=3&timeout=300&draggable=0&sw=240&svc=0&svz=2&atw=160&fgc=000000&bgc=CCCCCC&rc=FF0000&rw=3&ro=0.7

Desription: This animation takes us from one of the shopping malls in Lima to a hospital clinic. The animation shows some daily traffic for this fairly short drive, totaling 17 minutes to drive just 5 miles.

Route from Museo de la Memoria to Estadio Cuidad de Cumana

 Link : libertad 1365, ayacucho&daddr=estadio cuidad de cumana, ayacucho&maptype=2&units=2&z=15&fi=50&fs=1&refresh=3&timeout=300&draggable=0&sw=240&svc=0&svz=2&atw=160&fgc=000000&bgc=CCCCCC&rc=FF0000&rw=3&ro=0.7

Description: This route is from Ayacucho, Peru and is from a museum within the city to a soccer stadium. The stadium is home to a Peruvian club soccer team, while the museum is a history museum that tells some of the stories from Peru’s civil war. These are two tourist things to do within the city and would be a short commute from each.

Route from Golden Palace Hotel to Estacion Restaurant

Link: golden palace, cusco&daddr=restaurante la estacion, alameda pachacuteq, cusco&maptype=2&units=2&z=15&fi=50&fs=1&refresh=3&timeout=300&draggable=0&sw=240&svc=0&svz=2&atw=160&fgc=000000&bgc=CCCCCC&rc=FF0000&rw=3&ro=0.7

Description: This route in Cusco is from one of the hotels, Hotel Golden Palace, to a Peruvian restaurant. It is a local restaurant, which is why they serve more traditional food. This would be an average commute for an out-of-town traveler staying at the hotel, to one of the local restaurants.  

4 Moore's Where to Invade Next

Moore's documentary is politically polarizing. Conservative columnists, such as Armon White, are sharply critical of the movie. First, comment on the validity of White's negative review. Then, putting aside politics, what can the movie show us about the value of travel in understanding our own country.

The validity of his comments ultimately depend on who is reading the article. Armon White is someone who is standing his ground on issues and some people will say his argument speaks the entire truth. Others will say there is no validity behind what he says. I think politics aside we can take away various policies from other nations and see how they were implemented and if they would work here. For example, the drug crisis and African immigration issues brought up are two similar examples to issues here, that may be able to be resolved in similar fashion.

Submitted by [your name] on [date].